The course

The course is made of 10 live virtual classes held by top-notch international experts, who will provide insights to healthcare professionals (HCPs) aimed at improving the quality of care in providing hormonal contraceptive methods

The course will be available as 10 webinars. If you will miss one you will be able to re-watch it later!

Main topics
  • Combined Hormonal Contraception: oral, transdermal and transvaginal
  • Only Progestogen Contraception: oral, intrauterine, implant
  • Progestogens and Estrogens effect on female brain
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Male Hormonal Contraception
By the end of the course, you will be able to
  • Develop the skills and update on all methods of hormonal contraception
  • Recognize the best and more adequate choice for each patient based on her individual vulnerabilities, anamnesis, family history and personal needs
  • Feel confident to consult with patients and answer their questions on different methods of contraception

10 Live virtual classes

Each lesson lasts about 60/70 minutes. You can decide whether to participate at the live session or watch it later.

Q&A during the live lesson

Take part in the discussion asking questions and doubts during the Q&A at the live lessons

Play and Re-play

Will you miss a live lesson? You can watch it after: all the recordings will be made available within 48 hours.
Watching the recordings does NOT allow to get the CME Credits or the Certificate of attendance. 

European CME Credits

Each lesson is valid for 1 European CME Credit.
CME credits will be given for the lessons attended live on zoom, not for watching the recordings.
The European Credits for the lessons can be obtained filling a questionnaire within 15 days after each lesson.

Certification as “ISGE Certified Practitioner”

After the exam at the end of the course you will be able to obtain the certificate as ISGE Certified Practitioner

Valid for the ISGE certification program

Learn more on the ISGE Certification program

Contents of the course

Giuseppe Benagiano Contraceptives: their needs, utilization and efficacy in the various areas of the world

7 September 2023 15:00–16:30 CEST


Andrea Genazzani Progestogens and the brain

21 September 2023 15:00–16:30 CEST

Gabriele Merki Combined Oral Hormonal Contraception – an UPDATE

5 October 2023 15:00–16:30 CEST


Santiago Palacios Progestogen Only Contraception

19 October 2023 15:00–16:30 CEST


Luis Bahamondes Implants for Contraception

02 November 2023 15:00–16:30 CET

Lee P Shulman Transdermal Contraception: the Patch

16 November 2023 15:00–16:30 CET


Rossella Nappi Vaginal Contraception: Rings and Gels

30 November 2023 15:00–16:30 CET

Mitchel D Creinin Intrauterine Contraception

07 December 2023 15:00–16:30 CET


Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson Emergency Contraception

14 December 2023 15:00–16:30 CET


Regine Sitruk Ware Male Hormonal Contraception

11 January 2024 15:00–16:30 CET